Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India

Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India: Discover the top 10 innovators transforming healthcare with digital health, telemedicine, AI diagnostics, and more. Stay informed about the latest advancements in Indian HealthTech.

In recent years, India has emerged as a hotbed of innovation in the HealthTech sector, fostering a dynamic ecosystem of startups aimed at revolutionizing healthcare delivery. These companies combine cutting-edge technology with a deep understanding of healthcare challenges to create solutions that are not only impactful but also scalable across diverse demographics. From AI-powered diagnostics to telemedicine platforms and wearable health devices, these top 10 HealthTech startups in India are reshaping the healthcare landscape, promising improved access, affordability, and quality of care for millions.

Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India

1. CureSkin:

TypeAI-powered dermatology app
TechnologyArtificial Intelligence for skin condition diagnosis
ServicesPersonalized skin care solutions, treatment recommendations, and continuous monitoring
User InteractionUsers upload photos of their skin condition via the app
DiagnosisAI algorithm analyzes images and diagnoses the condition
TreatmentProvides tailored treatment plans, with products delivered to the user’s doorstep
Follow-upContinuous monitoring and follow-ups to ensure treatment effectiveness
Target AudienceIndividuals seeking accessible and convenient professional dermatological care
AimTo address the gap in dermatological care and make professional advice more accessible
ImpactImproved access to quality dermatological care in India, especially where specialist access is limited
CureSkin: Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India

CureSkin is revolutionizing dermatology in India with its AI-powered mobile application. This innovative platform provides users with personalized skin care solutions by analyzing images of their skin conditions and offering tailored treatment plans. Users can simply take a photo of their skin issue, and CureSkin’s AI algorithm diagnoses the condition and suggests appropriate treatments, which can be delivered to their doorstep. The app also offers continuous monitoring and follow-ups to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. Founded by a team of dermatologists and technologists, CureSkin addresses a significant gap in dermatological care, making professional skin care advice more accessible and convenient for the masses. The startup aims to cater to the growing demand for quality dermatological care in India, where access to specialists can be limited.

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2. Pandorum Technologies:

TypeTissue engineering and biofabrication company
FoundedBy scientists and bioengineers
TechnologyBiofabrication techniques for creating three-dimensional living human tissues
ServicesDevelopment of lab-grown tissues for medical research, therapeutic applications, and drug testing
FocusCreating complex tissue structures that mimic natural human tissues
ApplicationsOrgan transplantation, regenerative medicine, and drug testing
ImpactPotentially reducing dependency on donor organs and advancing treatments for various medical conditions
Target AudienceMedical researchers, healthcare providers, and pharmaceutical companies
AimTo revolutionize healthcare through tissue engineering and address gaps in organ transplantation
Current ProgressDeveloping functional tissues that can be used for medical research and therapy
Pandorum Technologies: Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India

Pandorum Technologies is at the forefront of tissue engineering in India, using cutting-edge technology to create functional, three-dimensional living human tissues. Founded by scientists and bioengineers, Pandorum focuses on developing lab-grown tissues that can be used for medical research, therapeutic applications, and drug testing. Their innovative approach aims to address the significant gap in organ transplantation and regenerative medicine. By using biofabrication techniques, they are working towards creating complex tissue structures that mimic natural human tissues, which can potentially reduce the dependency on donor organs. Pandorum’s advancements in tissue engineering not only promise to revolutionize healthcare but also pave the way for new treatments and therapies for various medical conditions.

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3. Elucidata:

Startup NameElucidata
LocationNew Delhi, India
Focus AreaBiomedical research software and algorithms
TechnologyAdvanced algorithms for -omics data analysis (metabolomics and genomics)
Key OfferingsData processing, analysis, and visualization tools
ApplicationsBiomedical research, drug discovery, precision medicine
BenefitsAccelerates scientific discovery, enhances diagnostic accuracy
ImpactFacilitates personalized medicine, improves healthcare outcomes
InnovationUtilizing technology for data-driven healthcare solutions
ContributionsAdvancing biomedical sciences, optimizing research workflows
Elucidata: Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India

Elucidata specializes in developing cutting-edge algorithms and software solutions to handle vast -omics data sets, spanning metabolomics and genomics. By providing robust tools for data processing, analysis, and visualization, Elucidata empowers researchers and healthcare professionals to extract meaningful insights from complex biological data. Their platform accelerates scientific discovery, facilitates precision medicine applications, and contributes to advancements in biomedical research. Elucidata’s commitment to leveraging technology for data-driven healthcare solutions underscores its pivotal role in shaping the future of biomedical sciences.

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4. Plum:

Startup NamePlum
LocationMumbai, India
Focus AreaHealth insurance and benefits administration for businesses
Key OfferingsSimplified and comprehensive health coverage solutions
Target AudienceSmall, medium, and large businesses
InnovationDigital platform for easy enrollment and claims processing
BenefitsCustomizable plans tailored to company needs
PartnershipsPartners with leading insurers to offer competitive rates
FeaturesEmployee wellness programs, online doctor consultations
TechnologyAI-driven analytics for optimizing coverage options
Plum: Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India

Plum is reshaping the landscape of employee health benefits in India by offering streamlined health insurance solutions tailored for businesses. With a focus on simplicity and transparency, Plum provides comprehensive coverage options that cater to the diverse needs of employees. By partnering with leading insurers and leveraging digital platforms, Plum enhances accessibility to quality healthcare benefits, thereby promoting employee well-being and satisfaction within organizations.

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LocationBengaluru, India
Focus AreaDiabetes management and reversal through personalized health programs
Key OfferingsPersonalized health programs and continuous monitoring
Target AudienceIndividuals with diabetes and those at risk
InnovationData-driven insights for personalized health interventions
BenefitsSupports lifestyle changes for better health outcomes
FeaturesReal-time health monitoring, personalized coaching
TechnologyIoT devices for continuous glucose monitoring
ApproachIntegrates behavioral science for sustainable health changes Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India addresses the burgeoning challenge of diabetes management in India with its personalized health programs and continuous monitoring solutions. By leveraging data-driven insights and behavioral science, empowers individuals to take proactive steps towards managing and even reversing diabetes. The platform’s holistic approach to health includes personalized coaching, dietary guidance, and real-time health monitoring, thereby supporting users in achieving better health outcomes and improving their quality of life.

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6. Eka Care:

Startup NameEka Care
LocationHyderabad, India
Focus AreaDigitally connected healthcare ecosystem
Key OfferingsPatient data management and connectivity
Target AudienceHealthcare providers, hospitals, and patients
InnovationIntegration of technology for improved care coordination
BenefitsEnhanced patient engagement and satisfaction
FeaturesTelemedicine services, remote patient monitoring
TechnologyHealth information exchange platform
ApproachEnhancing healthcare outcomes through digital solutions
Eka Care: Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India

Eka Care is pioneering a digitally connected healthcare ecosystem aimed at optimizing health outcomes through enhanced patient data management and connectivity. By integrating technology into healthcare delivery, Eka Care facilitates seamless communication between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers. This holistic approach not only improves care coordination but also enhances patient engagement and satisfaction, thereby fostering a more patient-centric healthcare experience.

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7. Fitterfly:

Startup NameFitterfly
LocationMumbai, India
Focus AreaPersonalized wellness programs
Key OfferingsTailored programs for diabetes, PCOS, pregnancy, etc.
Target AudienceIndividuals seeking personalized health solutions
InnovationData-driven insights for customized health interventions
BenefitsSupports lifestyle changes for better health outcomes
FeaturesNutrition planning, fitness coaching, mental wellness
TechnologyAI and data analytics for personalized health plans
ApproachHolistic approach to wellness combining diet and fitness
Fitterfly: Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India

Fitterfly offers personalized wellness programs designed to address specific health conditions such as diabetes, PCOS, and pregnancy. Through data-driven insights and personalized coaching, Fitterfly empowers individuals to make informed lifestyle choices that promote better health outcomes. The platform’s comprehensive approach encompasses nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being, thereby supporting users in achieving sustainable improvements in their overall health and wellness.

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8. Strand Life Sciences:

Startup NameStrand Life Sciences
LocationBangalore, India
Focus AreaGenomic profiling for cancer care
Key OfferingsNext-generation sequencing for precise diagnostic solutions
Target AudienceOncologists, healthcare providers
InnovationPersonalized medicine through genomic insights
BenefitsEnhanced diagnostic accuracy, tailored treatment strategies
FeaturesComprehensive genomic testing, bioinformatics
TechnologyHigh-throughput sequencing technologies
ApproachIntegrating genomic data into clinical decision-making
Strand Life Sciences: Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India

Strand Life Sciences leverages next-generation sequencing technologies to enhance cancer care through precise genomic profiling. By analyzing genetic data with high accuracy, Strand Life Sciences provides oncologists with actionable insights that inform personalized treatment strategies. This precision medicine approach not only improves diagnostic accuracy but also enhances treatment efficacy, offering new hope to patients battling cancer in India and beyond.

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9. Amaha:

Startup NameAmaha
LocationBangalore, India
Focus AreaMental health services
Key OfferingsTech-led platform for mental health support
Target AudienceIndividuals seeking mental health treatment
InnovationOmnichannel approach integrating technology and therapy
BenefitsBridging the treatment gap in mental health services
FeaturesRemote counseling, digital tools for mental well-being
TechnologyAI-driven assessments, secure teletherapy platforms
ApproachEnhancing access and quality of mental health care
Amaha: Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India

Amaha is pioneering the integration of technology in mental health services through its omnichannel platform. By offering accessible and personalized mental health support, Amaha aims to bridge the treatment gap in mental health care in India. The platform combines therapeutic interventions with digital tools for remote counseling and support, empowering individuals to prioritize their mental well-being and seek timely professional help. Amaha’s innovative approach marks a significant step forward in improving mental health outcomes and promoting mental wellness across communities.

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10. Even:

Startup NameEven
LocationBengaluru, India
Focus AreaIntegrated healthcare services
Key OfferingsHealthcare services through a membership model
Target AudienceIndividuals and families seeking comprehensive healthcare
PartnershipsCollaboration with top hospitals for service delivery
InnovationStreamlining healthcare access and affordability
FeaturesConsultations, diagnostics, treatments under one plan
BenefitsEnhanced healthcare access and patient convenience
Even: Top 10 HealthTech Startups in India

Even is a pioneering startup based in India that has established itself by partnering with top hospitals to deliver integrated healthcare services through a membership model. This innovative approach ensures that members have access to a wide range of healthcare services, including consultations, diagnostics, and treatments, all conveniently bundled into a single membership plan. By collaborating closely with renowned healthcare providers, Even aims to streamline the healthcare experience, making it more accessible and affordable for individuals and families. Their emphasis on quality care and seamless service delivery reflects their commitment to improving healthcare outcomes and patient satisfaction in India.

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FAQs and answers for HealthTech startups in India:

1. What does CureSkin offer?

  • CureSkin offers an AI-powered dermatology app that provides personalized skin care solutions through mobile devices. Users can receive customized treatment plans for various skin conditions.

2. What is Pandorum Technologies known for?

  • Pandorum Technologies specializes in tissue engineering, creating functional human tissues for medical research and therapeutic applications. Their technology aims to advance regenerative medicine.

3. What does Elucidata focus on?

  • Elucidata develops algorithms and software for processing and analyzing -omics data (metabolomics and genomics), which helps in advanced biomedical research and personalized medicine.

4. What services does Plum provide?

  • Plum simplifies health insurance and benefits administration for businesses. They offer comprehensive health coverage solutions designed to improve employee health benefits management.

5. How does Even work?

  • Even partners with top hospitals in India to provide integrated healthcare services through a membership model. Members gain access to consultations, diagnostics, and treatments under a single plan.

6. What is’s focus?

  • focuses on diabetes management and reversal through personalized health programs and continuous monitoring. Their approach integrates data-driven insights to support lifestyle changes.

7. What does Eka Care aim to achieve?

  • Eka Care aims to create a digitally connected healthcare ecosystem that enhances patient outcomes through better data management and connectivity between healthcare providers and patients.

8. What health conditions does Fitterfly target?

  • Fitterfly offers personalized wellness programs targeting conditions such as diabetes, PCOS, and pregnancy. They use data-driven insights to promote sustainable health improvements.

9. How does Strand Life Sciences contribute to cancer care?

  • Strand Life Sciences utilizes next-generation sequencing for genomic profiling in cancer care, providing precise diagnostic solutions to oncologists for tailored treatment plans.

10. What does Amaha offer in mental health services?

  • Amaha provides a tech-led platform for mental health services, offering remote counseling and digital tools for mental well-being. They aim to bridge the treatment gap in mental health care.


In conclusion, the top 10 HealthTech startups in India represent a diverse and innovative landscape aimed at transforming healthcare delivery across various domains. From AI-powered dermatology solutions offered by CureSkin to advanced tissue engineering by Pandorum Technologies, each startup addresses specific healthcare challenges with cutting-edge technology and personalized approaches.

Elucidata stands out with its expertise in -omics data analysis, facilitating groundbreaking research in personalized medicine, while Plum simplifies health insurance administration, enhancing access to comprehensive healthcare benefits for businesses. Even and Eka Care innovate through integrated healthcare models and digital ecosystems, respectively, improving patient outcomes and care coordination. focuses on managing diabetes through personalized health programs, while Fitterfly targets wellness with tailored solutions for conditions like diabetes and PCOS. Strand Life Sciences utilizes genomic profiling to enhance cancer care precision, while Amaha pioneers mental health services through technology-driven platforms, addressing crucial gaps in mental health treatment.

Together, these startups exemplify India’s HealthTech sector’s commitment to leveraging technology for accessible, affordable, and personalized healthcare solutions, driving significant advancements in patient care and wellness nationwide.

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