Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

1. ShareChat:

sharechat-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
sharechat-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
Multilingual PlatformAllows users to create and consume content in various regional languages of India.
Content CreationEnables users to generate and share diverse content including text, images, videos, and memes.
Community EngagementFacilitates interaction and engagement through likes, comments, shares, and messaging features.
Regional ContentCurates content tailored to regional interests, fostering a culturally diverse user community.
Privacy and SafetyImplements measures to ensure user privacy and safety, including content moderation and reporting tools.
Monetization OptionsProvides opportunities for creators to monetize their content through various partnerships and features.
sharechat: Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

ShareChat has emerged as a prominent player in India’s social media landscape, distinguishing itself with a strong focus on regional languages. Launched to cater to non-English speaking users, ShareChat provides a platform where individuals can create, discover, and share content in their native languages. This multilingual approach has resonated well in a diverse country like India, fostering a vibrant community where users can express themselves culturally and linguistically. ShareChat’s success lies in its ability to connect millions of users through localized content, ranging from memes and videos to news and entertainment, thereby bridging linguistic barriers and enhancing digital inclusivity across the nation.

2. Chingari:

chingari-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
chingari-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
Short Video PlatformAllows users to create and share short videos, similar to TikTok, focusing on entertainment and creativity.
Indian Content FocusTailors content and features to cater specifically to Indian users, reflecting local tastes and trends.
Content DiscoveryFacilitates content discovery through trending hashtags, personalized recommendations, and user engagement.
Creator ToolsProvides editing tools, effects, and filters to enhance video content creation and user experience.
Community EngagementPromotes interaction through likes, comments, shares, and follower interactions.
Monetization FeaturesOffers monetization options for creators through partnerships, brand collaborations, and virtual gifting.
chingari: Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

Chingari has rapidly gained popularity as a homegrown alternative to TikTok in India’s competitive social media landscape. Launched with the aim of providing a platform for short video creation and sharing, Chingari allows users to express themselves creatively through videos ranging from entertainment and dance to educational content. Its appeal lies in its localization efforts, catering specifically to Indian tastes and preferences while offering features that encourage content discovery and engagement. With a focus on empowering content creators, Chingari has emerged as a significant player, providing a space where users can showcase their talents and connect with a diverse audience within India and beyond.

3. Moj:

moj-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
moj-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
Short-Form Video PlatformProvides a platform for users to create and share short videos, similar to TikTok.
Content VarietyOffers a wide range of content categories including entertainment, music, dance, and tutorials.
Editing ToolsIncludes robust editing tools, effects, filters, and soundtracks to enhance video creation.
User-Friendly InterfaceEmphasizes a intuitive and engaging user interface designed to facilitate easy content creation and discovery.
DiscoverabilityFacilitates content discovery through personalized recommendations, trending hashtags, and user interactions.
Snap Inc. PartnershipSupported by Snap Inc., leveraging technology and expertise to enhance user engagement and platform features.
moj: Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

Moj, supported by Snap Inc., has quickly established itself as a prominent player in India’s vibrant short video segment. Positioned as a platform for short-form video content, Moj enables users to create, share, and discover a wide range of videos, from entertainment and lip-syncing to tutorials and lifestyle content. Embracing a user-friendly interface and robust editing tools, Moj aims to cater to the evolving preferences of Indian users who seek immersive and engaging content experiences. Backed by Snap Inc.’s expertise in technology and user engagement, Moj continues to innovate and expand its offerings, making it a significant contender in the competitive landscape of social media platforms in India.

4. Koo:

koo-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
koo-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
Microblogging PlatformProvides a platform for users to post short updates, opinions, and thoughts, similar to Twitter.
Multilingual SupportSupports multiple Indian languages, allowing users to communicate and engage in their preferred language.
Voice NotesAllows users to record and share voice messages as a form of communication.
Hashtags in LanguagesFacilitates content discovery and trend tracking with hashtags in various regional languages.
Community EngagementPromotes interaction through likes, comments, reposts (called ‘echoes’), and follower interactions.
Localization EffortsFocuses on providing a localized social networking experience tailored to Indian users’ preferences and interests.
koo: Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

Koo has emerged as a distinctive microblogging platform in India, offering a unique space for users to communicate and engage in multiple Indian languages. Launched with a focus on enabling conversations in regional languages, Koo allows users to express their opinions, share updates, and engage with a diverse community on various topics ranging from politics and current affairs to entertainment and culture. The platform gained significant traction as an alternative to Twitter, particularly among Indian users seeking a localized social networking experience. With features that include voice notes and hashtags in multiple languages, Koo continues to expand its user base and influence in India’s social media landscape, promoting digital inclusivity and cultural diversity in online conversations.

5. Trell:

trell-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
trell-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
Lifestyle BloggingFocuses on lifestyle content including food, travel, fashion, and hobbies.
Visual StorytellingEnables users to share experiences through photos and short videos, emphasizing visual content.
Community EngagementPromotes interaction and engagement through likes, comments, and shares on user-generated content.
RecommendationsAllows users to discover and recommend places, products, and experiences based on personal interests.
User-Friendly InterfaceProvides an intuitive interface designed for easy navigation and content creation.
Content DiscoveryFacilitates content discovery through personalized recommendations and trending topics.
trell: Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

Trell has carved a niche in India’s social media scene as a lifestyle blogging and discovery platform. It offers users a space to share and explore experiences related to food, travel, fashion, and more through photos and short videos. Trell’s appeal lies in its focus on visual storytelling, enabling users to showcase their hobbies, interests, and recommendations in an engaging format. By fostering a community around shared passions, Trell facilitates meaningful interactions and content discovery among its users. With a user-friendly interface and features that encourage user-generated content, Trell continues to grow its user base and influence, contributing to the vibrant diversity of social media platforms in India.

6. Bolo Indya:

bolo indya-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
bolo indya-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
Vernacular ContentFocuses on content creation and sharing in multiple Indian languages, catering to regional preferences.
Video Sharing PlatformProvides a platform for users to create and share videos on various topics and interests.
Community EngagementPromotes interaction through likes, comments, shares, and follower interactions.
Cultural ExpressionFacilitates cultural expression through content that reflects regional identities and traditions.
Monetization OptionsOffers monetization opportunities for creators through partnerships, brand collaborations, and virtual gifting.
Content DiscoveryFacilitates content discovery through personalized recommendations and trending topics.
bolo indya: Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

Bolo Indya has established itself as a prominent player in India’s social media landscape, focusing on vernacular content creation and sharing. It provides a platform where users can create, discover, and share videos in various Indian languages, catering specifically to the diverse linguistic preferences across the country. Bolo Indya enables users to express themselves culturally and regionally, fostering a community-driven approach to content creation. This emphasis on vernacular content has resonated well with Indian users seeking platforms that reflect their language and cultural identities. With features designed to enhance user engagement and content visibility, Bolo Indya continues to expand its user base and influence, contributing significantly to the digital inclusivity and diversity of social media in India.

7. Mx TakaTak:

mx taka tak-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
mx taka tak-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
Short Video PlatformProvides a platform for users to create and share short videos, similar to TikTok.
Content VarietyEncompasses diverse content genres including lip-syncing, dancing, comedy, and educational content.
Editing ToolsOffers editing tools, filters, effects, and soundtracks to enhance video creation.
Trending ChallengesEngages users through trending challenges and hashtags, fostering community participation.
Community InteractionFacilitates interaction through likes, comments, shares, and follower interactions.
DiscoverabilityPromotes content discoverability through personalized recommendations and trending content sections.
mx taka tak: Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

Mx TakaTak has quickly risen to prominence as a popular short video platform in India, offering a space for users to create, share, and discover engaging content. Positioned as an alternative to TikTok, Mx TakaTak enables creators to showcase their talents through short-form videos, encompassing diverse genres such as lip-syncing, dancing, comedy, and educational content. The platform emphasizes user-generated creativity and community interaction, fostering a dynamic environment where users can express themselves and connect with a wide audience. With features that include editing tools, filters, and trending challenges, Mx TakaTak continues to attract a growing user base, contributing to the vibrant landscape of social media in India.

8. Public:

public-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
public-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
Financial EducationFocuses on providing educational content and discussions about stocks, investments, and financial markets.
Social NetworkingCombines social networking features with financial education, allowing users to engage in discussions and share insights.
Community InteractionFacilitates interaction with financial experts, influencers, and fellow investors for learning and idea sharing.
Real-time Market UpdatesProvides users with real-time updates and news related to financial markets and investment trends.
Investment TrackingAllows users to track and monitor investments, stocks, and portfolios within the platform.
Educational ContentOffers curated content such as articles, videos, and tutorials to enhance financial literacy among users.
public: Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

Public has made a notable impact in India’s social media landscape by uniquely blending financial education with social networking. Positioned as a platform for discussing and sharing investment insights, Public enables users to engage in conversations about stocks, investments, and financial markets. It aims to democratize access to financial knowledge, making it accessible and understandable for a broader audience. Public’s community-driven approach allows users to follow and interact with financial experts, influencers, and fellow investors, fostering a collaborative environment for learning and sharing ideas. With features that include real-time market updates, educational content, and social interaction tools, Public continues to expand its user base and influence, contributing to financial literacy and engagement among Indians on social media.

9. Hello:

hello-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
hello-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
Interest-based MatchingMatches users with communities and individuals based on shared interests and hobbies.
Community CreationAllows users to create and join communities focused on various topics such as travel, food, photography, etc.
Profile CustomizationEnables users to create detailed profiles that showcase their interests and personalities.
Privacy ControlsEmphasizes privacy and user data protection with features that prioritize user safety and content authenticity.
Engagement FeaturesFacilitates engagement through likes, comments, and interactions within communities and profiles.
User ExperienceProvides a user-friendly interface designed for easy navigation and seamless social interaction.
hello: Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

Hello, a social networking app developed by Orkut Buyukkokten, aims to redefine how users connect based on shared interests and hobbies. Unlike traditional social media platforms, Hello focuses on fostering meaningful connections by matching users with communities and individuals who share similar passions. The platform allows users to create profiles that showcase their interests, enabling them to join or create communities centered around topics like travel, food, photography, and more. Hello emphasizes privacy and control over user data, providing features that prioritize user safety and content authenticity. By combining social networking with a focus on genuine connections and shared interests, Hello aims to create a positive and engaging online community experience for its users.

10. Roposo:

roposo-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
roposo-Top 10 Social Media Startups in India
Video-Sharing PlatformProvides a platform for users to create and share short videos across various genres.
Content DiversityEncompasses content categories such as entertainment, fashion, cooking, and lifestyle.
Editing ToolsOffers robust editing tools, filters, effects, and special features to enhance content creation.
Multilingual SupportSupports content creation and consumption in multiple Indian languages, promoting regional diversity.
Community EngagementFacilitates interaction through likes, comments, shares, and follower interactions.
Trending ContentPromotes trending content and challenges to enhance user engagement and discoverability.
roposo: Top 10 Social Media Startups in India

Roposo, acquired by Glance (part of the InMobi Group), has positioned itself as a popular video-sharing platform in India. Launched as a homegrown alternative to TikTok, Roposo allows users to create and share short videos across various genres including entertainment, fashion, cooking, and more. It offers robust editing tools, filters, and special effects to enhance user-generated content, catering to the creative expressions of its diverse user base. Roposo’s appeal lies in its localization efforts, providing content in multiple Indian languages and promoting regional diversity in content creation. With features that encourage user engagement through likes, comments, and shares, Roposo continues to attract a wide audience, contributing significantly to the vibrant social media landscape in India.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers about social media startups in India:

1. What is ShareChat?

ShareChat is a social media platform that focuses on creating and sharing content in regional Indian languages. It allows users to engage in discussions, share videos, photos, and updates in languages such as Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, and others, catering to diverse linguistic communities across India.

2. How does Chingari compare to TikTok?

Chingari is often compared to TikTok as it offers similar features for creating and sharing short videos. However, Chingari distinguishes itself by focusing on Indian content creators and users, providing a platform that showcases cultural diversity and local talent.

3. What is unique about Moj?

Moj stands out as a short video platform backed by Snap Inc., offering a variety of content including lip-syncing, dancing, and educational videos. It aims to capture the Indian audience with localized content and features designed for engaging user experiences.

4. How does Koo differ from other social media platforms?

Koo differentiates itself by focusing on microblogging in Indian languages. It allows users to share their thoughts and opinions on various topics, utilizing hashtags and voice notes to enhance communication in regional languages.

5. What does Trell specialize in?

Trell is known for its focus on lifestyle blogging and discovery. It enables users to share experiences related to food, travel, fashion, and more through photos and short videos, fostering a community around shared interests.

6. What makes Bolo Indya unique?

Bolo Indya stands out with its emphasis on vernacular content creation and sharing. It provides a platform where users can create, discover, and share videos in multiple Indian languages, catering specifically to regional preferences and cultural diversity.

7. How does Mx TakaTak compete with other short video platforms?

Mx TakaTak competes by offering a diverse range of content genres and engaging features similar to TikTok. It focuses on user-generated creativity and community interaction, making it popular among users looking for entertainment and expression through short videos.

8. What is Public known for?

Public integrates financial education with social networking, allowing users to discuss stocks, investments, and financial markets. It aims to democratize access to financial knowledge and provides a platform for learning and sharing investment insights.


In conclusion, the top 10 social media startups in India exemplify a dynamic and innovative landscape that caters to diverse user interests and preferences. From platforms focusing on regional language content like ShareChat and Koo to short video platforms like Chingari and Moj competing with global giants, each startup brings unique features and cultural relevance to the table. These startups not only foster creativity and community engagement but also contribute to digital inclusion by catering to India’s multilingual and multicultural population.

Moreover, startups like Public and Lucideus are reshaping traditional sectors by integrating financial education and cybersecurity into social networking, respectively. This demonstrates a trend towards specialized platforms that address specific user needs, from financial literacy to digital security.

Overall, these startups play a crucial role in shaping India’s social media landscape, offering platforms that empower users to connect, create, and share content in meaningful ways. As they continue to innovate and expand their reach, they are poised to further influence how Indians interact online and contribute to the global conversation on digital innovation.

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